Sunday, November 28, 2010

I don't hear anything...

Last class Currier decided to show the class a video. I was all excited because then I can just fall asleep, but there was one problem. Before he started the movie he told the class the movie did not have any dialogue. that was just great beacuse how am I suppose to follow along with my eyes closed. So I stayed awake throughtout the whole movie because I was quite interested on what this movie was about plus who makes a movie with no dialogue??? So I thought it would be interesting. Turned out I really liked the movie. There were beautiful scenes from different places around the world which I thought was pretty cool. I would try to guess which country or city I was when following the movie. But I was not too interested on the scenes that weere close up of ther persons faces only beacsuse I would mostlysee their eyes and eyes freak me out! All in all I thought this was a pretty good movie. Who knew a movie withough dialogue has so much to say!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

One- Shot

With this assignment we were able to learn how to take one good shot, instead of actually taking a bunch of pictures and eleminating the ones that are as good. We had to base how the picture was off the LCD screen instead of seeing it on the screen.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Video Notes

- hard to dream what things are
- show history --> saves lives to help change how we live
- view ourself and particular era

Developing Image
- box camera $1
- visual record of lives

Luc Sante: Postcards
- show what is going on during that time
- used picture for newspaper- too

National Geographic Magazine
- was all words
- losing money --> came up with idea
- add pictures- thought of colored pictures
- had twice as more subscribers than before
- shows impression of different parts of world

Rayna Green
- curtis staged his Indian photography
- carried clothes to dress them
- picture lie/fantasy --> wasn't real

Paul Strand
Straight Photography
- realized shape and form

-photos replaced drawings